1000, Tunis, Tunisia.

About- US


DigiTelemarketing can make a significant impact, aiding millions of people worldwide in navigating the economic challenges triggered by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly beneficial for small and mid-sized businesses, this methodology enables the execution of profitable marketing initiatives at a time when the costs associated with traditional search campaigns are on the rise. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in supporting an endangered social class of Telemarketing workers who face the risk of losing millions of positions globally. By integrating Digital Marketing and Telemarketing with new norms, benchmarks, and data analysis, we not only address the evolving landscape of marketing but also contribute to the sustenance of businesses and the livelihoods of individuals in the face of this unprecedented economic crisis. In today's dynamic marketing landscape, the convergence of digital Marketing with telephony systems and Some soft Skills has given rise to DigiTelemarketing. This innovative approach harnesses the power of both online platforms and personalised phone interactions, creating a potent tool for lead generation, sales, and customer engagement.

Digital Telemarketing thrives on strategic integration. By combining the immediacy of phone-based communications with the extensive reach and targeting capabilities of digital platforms, businesses can foster meaningful connections with their audience. This section delves into the core elements and advantages of this integrated approach.

About the Writer:
M. Amine Abassi is a Marketing Consultant Specialised in PPC campaigns.He Entered the fields of Marketing and Telemarketing in 2000, and since then, he has successfully completed numerous freelance missions for major global companies such as Uber, Engel & Volker and many others. In 2020 he founded DigiTelemarketing and tested its processes with various companies in Europe and Middle-East. Following the success of these tests, he decided to publish this eBook titled: "DigiTelemarketing Management".

DigiTelemarketing Created by M. Amine Abassi in 2020, Marks the inception of the first ebook introducing DigiTelemarketing Management. wich was published in 2024.

” I was Always seeing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing like a body without Heart … So i decided to create DigiTelemarketing, a new marketing Branch Mixing the Body (Ai) with the Heart (Human Intelligence or HI) “

Pioneer of DigiTelemarketing